$33.00 USD

The foundational abundance work for a feminine business

If you want to access abundance on every level, with financial freedom AND a thriving love life, relationship with yourself, travel, freedom, connection with nature...

Having all of these things at once requires being able to receive it all and coming from a certain type of place internally.

It can be really challenging to hold that space inside yourself, especially when you're not even aware of how to be when you're not running from lack - which is often the programming we're running from automatically when we've picked it up from our parents, childhood and past experiences.

In this LIVE masterclass, we're going to delete and remove lack by shining a light on it and give you big breakthroughs. The value could be x100's or x1000's more than just this $33 investment because this is the foundational work for feminine abundance.

You'll be sent the replay to keep - and a poll after signing up to say what time you'd prefer for the call. Sign up to join us now.

What People Are Saying:

Hey Liz! Just wanted to follow-up a little after your masterclass. It was extremely life-changing. For quite some time, I have not been able to figure out what my true purpose is. Like, yes, I know all the careers I would love to experience and all the physical acts I want to do for the greater good of all society, but it never fully clicked exactly what I'm doing all these things for, until today. After the masterclass, I had the wildest dream (as you warned us we would) and the dream made me feel like I was gonna be very close to realising something big. I've been embodying the 3 energy statements each morning since, and it hasn't even been a week yet! And the impossible happened! For years, I have been made smaller by other people and bullies for the way I express myself with words, but I always seem to have the most loving reactions with people who my words truly resonate with - and I am finally ready to admit this and commence my first book! I just wanted to share this with you as your spiritual work was the catalyst for this change, and I am so grateful! Thank you, Liz. You truly are the most kickstarting coach I ever dreamed of having in my life. Thank you thank you thank you!

Anna, after attending a masterclass